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  Home > THREADS

#N19p aster
#N19p aster #N19p aster #N19p aster

#N19p aster

Try these wonderful soft threads for all your embroidery needs!   Sold as three nine metre skeins of perle 8 thread on a card, hand dyed in South Africa, in beautiful shades of purples and dark pinks.   These lovely threads are ideal for embroidery, quilting and embellishment, and are used by many well known teachers and authors.   Try them for tassel making! 

Now available in single colours of perle 8, perle 12 and (to order) perle 5.   Colours are lettered from left to right.

 perle 12 now available in cards of 3 colours, 6 1/2 m of each.

19p Aster

Our Price: £2.50

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